[Air-L] CFP - Special issue on the Big Data Challenge. From Big Data in Politics to the Politics of Big Data

Elena Pavan elena.pavan at sns.it
Fri Oct 27 06:02:20 PDT 2017

Dear all,

we are glad to announce that we are editing a special issue of the open 
access, online peer reviewed journal Partecipazione e Confiltto - 
Participation and Conflict.

*Deadline for full papers submission is the 10th of March 2018*.

If interested, please read below for further information or check PACO's 
website at 

Alice and Elena


*The Big Data Challenge. From Big Data in Politics to the Politics of 
Big Data*
A special issue for PArtecipazione e COnflitto (PACO)
Guest Editors: Alice Mattoni and Elena Pavan

*Call for Full Articles*
This special issue aims to open a much-needed space for developing a 
critical and informed
reflection on the multi-faceted nexus between Big Data and the study of 
political participation
dynamics. It understands Big Data not solely in terms of large-scale 
datasets of textual or
digital data that require us to tune our research practices. More 
radically, it starts from a
conceptualization of Big Data as a complex set of cultural, political 
and scientific knowledge
practices that challenge the traditional modes in which research 
questions are posed and
framed, analyses are performed, as well as the ways in which results are 
communicated to the
public and thus affect public discourse and debates. It also invites us 
to orient our attention
towards emergent forms of activism reclaiming citizens’ agency towards 
the production,
management and exploitation of (big) data, including - such as data 
activism, statactivism,
data justice struggles, open data movements.

Consistently, the special issue aims to provide a solid contribution 
towards the investigation
of two interrelated aspects. On the one hand, it will engage with how 
Big Data are leveraging
our understanding of participation and contentious dynamics within 
complex societies
providing new methodological and informational resources to investigate 
structures, contents
and mechanisms of citizens’ public engagement. On the other, it will 
contribute to develop a
specific take on how Big Data become a contested research and political 
terrain characterized
by strong power dynamics between private and public actors, and 
entwining with governance
processes at all levels - from the national to the transnational one.

Against this background, this special issue welcomes *full articles 
submissions* employing
different theoretical, empirical and methodological approaches on Big 
Data, adopting a
single-case or a comparative multinational and/or multiplatform 
perspective and exploring
one or more of the following thematic areas:

- Big Data, public opinion and institutional politics (party dynamics, 
communications, etc.)
- Big Data and the study of contemporary forms of collective action and
unconventional political participation (social movements, digital 
activism, etc.)
- Reflections on the epistemological and methodological implications and 
brought by Big Data in the study of political participation and 
contentious dynamics
- Deconstructing and approaching critically datafication
- Intersections between Big Data and governance processes.

*Submission of Full Articles: 10th March 2018*
Provision of peer reviewed feedback: 15st May 2018
Submission of revised accepted articles: 19th  June  2018
Publication of the Special issue: 15th July  2018

Articles should be no longer than 10,000 words, including notes and 
references. A maximum
of 10 articles will be published.

Please refer to the editorial guidelines available at

Elena Pavan, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Istituto di Scienze Umane e Sociali
Scuola Normale Superiore
Palazzo Strozzi - Piazza degli Strozzi, 1
50123 Firenze
email: elena.pavan at sns.it
telephone: +39 055 2673330

Adjunct Professor
Dipartimento Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale
Università di Trento
via Verdi 26
38122 Trento
email: elena.pavan at unitn.it
telephone: +39 (0)461 28 1378

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