[Air-L] Research overiview on lgbtq use of social media?

Anders Hougaard hougaard at sdu.dk
Sat Oct 14 00:03:49 PDT 2017

Hi Evelina,

This is not a literature recommendation, but just a "related/interesting data tip"

In Denmark a group of young women who use SoMe to explore gender and homosexuality issues

have been a very visible part in public debate.

Check for instance Maja Malou Lyse whose Instagram profile is quite controversial (WARNING: semi-pornographic and potentially offensive content!): https://www.instagram.com/habitual_body_monitoring2/?hl=da

She has also produced videos that have received a fair amount of attention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HiIacvjiPw

You may also be interested in "Twerk Queen". She is not acclaimed lesbian, but there is gender exploration in what she does (pontentially offensive too): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdrIenvO3Ww



Anders Hougaard
Lektor (associate professor), ph.d.
Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation
Syddansk Universitet
Campusvej 55
5230 Odense M
Kontor/office: Campusvej Ø18-309a-2
Tlf/phone: +4565503154/+4542687172
Web:  andershougaard.dk<https://webmail.sdu.dk/owa/UrlBlockedError.aspx>
SoMe Lab: https://sites.google.com/view/somelab/home

Fra: Air-L <air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org> på vegne af Evelina Liliequist <evelina.liliequist at umu.se>
Sendt: 14. oktober 2017 08:11:50
Til: Air list
Emne: [Air-L] Research overiview on lgbtq use of social media?


I’m writing my dissertation on LGBTQ people's perception of identity, place and time in relation to the use of social media in northern Sweden. I’m now looking for some good research overview on LGBTQ use of social media, I know there is a lot (at least in an international context an from urban areas). Does anyone have a recommendation where to look? So basically i’m looking to get a picture of the overall themes in the field, what has been done and if someone knows, what seems to be lacking/needs to be done?

Thanks in advance,
Evelina Liliequist

Postgraduate student Ethnology, Digital humanities
Department of Culture and Media Studies, Umeå University

Umeå University
SE-901 87 Umeå

Tel: +46 90 7866305
Email: evelina.liliequist at umu.se<mailto:evelina.liliequist at umu.se>

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