[Air-L] Thanks and congrats to #AoIR2017 organizers!

Michael T Zimmer zimmerm at uwm.edu
Fri Oct 27 20:09:11 PDT 2017

As I’ve now had time to digest and recover from #AoIR2017 in Tartu, I wanted to send my sincere thanks to the hosts, organizers, and everyone involved for an excellent conference. While I’ve only been to about a dozen AoIR conferences (and helped host one, and helped plan 6 others), this certainly was one of the best.

Thank you, Andra Siibak, for your hosting and excellent program curation. And thank you, AoIR Association Coordinator Michelle Gardner, for everything that you do to help make the conference a success.

And thank you, (outgoing) AoIR President Jennifer Stromer-Galley, for your leadership. And the entire AoIR Executive Committee, for your dedication to the Association.

I’m really looking forward to #AoIR2018 in Montreal (no pressure, Andrew!)


Michael Zimmer, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Information Studies
Director, Center for Information Policy Research
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

e: zimmerm at uwm.edu<mailto:zimmerm at uwm.edu>
t: @michaelzimmer
w: www.michaelzimmer.org<http://www.michaelzimmer.org>

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