[Air-L] Data selfie

Anne Helmond anne at digitalmethods.net
Tue Sep 19 05:45:38 PDT 2017

Hi Anders and Evelien,

My colleague and I wrote a short article about *Data Selfie* that describes
how it works, what data it does and does not collect, what kind of data
profiles or "selfies" it generates, and what type of data awareness raising
strategy it employs. In the piece we also briefly address your question of
how it compares to Facebook's monitoring and data collection.

van der Vlist, Fernando N., and Anne Helmond. “Speculative Data
Selfies.” *Internet
Policy Review* (2017). 1 Mar. 2017.

Best regards,
Anne Helmond


Dr. Anne Helmond | Assistant Professor of New Media and Digital Culture
University of Amsterdam | Turfdraagsterpad 9 | 1012 XT  Amsterdam | The
http://www.uva.nl/profile/a.helmond | http://www.annehelmond.nl/ |

Highlighted publication:

Helmond, Anne. 2015. “The Platformization of the Web: Making Web Data
Platform Ready.” Social Media + Society 1 (2). doi:10.1177/2056305115603080.

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