[Air-L] How many Facebook users make their friends list private?

Nicholas John n.john at huji.ac.il
Tue Sep 5 07:02:30 PDT 2017

Hi all,
Has anyone ever seen data on how many Facebook users make their friends list private?
I’m guessing it’s not that many, but I worry that writing “I guess it’s not that many” in my article might not get past Reviewer 2.

Nicholas John 
Department of Communication 
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 
T +972 54 7906073 
@nicholasajohn <http://www.twitter.com/nicholasajohn> 
nicholasjohn.huji.ac.il <http://nicholasjohn.huji.ac.il/>

Check out my new book,The Age of Sharing, at Amazon <https://www.amazon.com/Age-Sharing-Nicholas-John/dp/074566251X> or directly from Polity <http://politybooks.com/bookdetail/?isbn=9780745662503> 
Listen to a podcast <http://newbooksnetwork.com/nicholas-a-john-the-age-of-sharing-polity-press-2016/> on the New Books Network. 
Read an excerpt  <http://culturedigitally.org/2016/11/the-age-of-sharing-by-nicholas-john-an-excerpt/>and responses  <http://culturedigitally.org/2016/12/dialogue_nikjohn/>at Culture Digitally.


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