[Air-L] my experience with the Facebook app review process

Bernhard Rieder berno.rieder at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 01:57:38 PDT 2018

Dear all,

Since there was some discussion on here concerning Facebook's app review process, I wanted to share my experience trying to get Netvizz approved (spoiler: I failed): http://thepoliticsofsystems.net/2018/08/facebooks-app-review-and-how-independent-research-just-got-a-lot-harder/

Hopefully others have more luck!

enjoy the summer and best wishes,

Bernhard Rieder | Associate Professor | New Media and Digital Culture  
University of Amsterdam | Turfdraagsterpad 9 | 1012 XT Amsterdam | The Netherlands  
http://thepoliticsofsystems.net | http://labs.polsys.net | https://www.digitalmethods.net | @RiederB

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