[Air-L] WhatsApp methodologies and platform frameworks

Enilda Romero-Hall eromerohall at ut.edu
Fri Aug 3 07:32:17 PDT 2018

For your first question: I do not have a specific methodology recommendation for WhatsApp but more a recommendation for measurement of Online Knowledge Sharing. I just recently read the paper and sat in a presentation that focus on Q&A communities (in this Stack Exchange) and examine why individuals share knowledge in Stack Exchange. The authors developed a questionnaire with measurement items from prior studies ("with minor modifications to ensure contextual consistency") that focused on nine specific factors: self-efficacy, altruism, trust, reciprocity, personal expected returns, identification, shared vision, social network ties, and community level expected returns. 

Here is a link to the paper: https://books.google.com/books?id=ly9iDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA43&lpg=PA43&dq=online+knowledge+sharing+motivators+of+top+contributors+in+30+Q%26A+Sites&source=bl&ots=0fAKfOM6p4&sig=j1b4QqLNQRrVcOBsTYJ0Tlcie-Y&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1suPEidHcAhUK1lMKHQgxB0kQ6AEwAHoECAEQAQ#v=onepage&q=online%20knowledge%20sharing%20motivators%20of%20top%20contributors%20in%2030%20Q%26A%20Sites&f=false 

Enilda Romero-Hall, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Graduate Coordinator of the Instructional Design & Technology Program
College of Social Science, Mathematics, and Education
The University of Tampa
Department of Education | Plant Hall, Room 439
(813) 257-3372
eromerohall at ut.edu | http://enildaromero.net/  <http://enildaromero.net/> 
TEDxUTampa Talk <https://youtu.be/CzzFvN9enmY>


On 8/3/18, 9:55 AM, "Air-L on behalf of Padmini Ray Murray" <air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org on behalf of p.raymurray at srishti.ac.in> wrote:

    Hi everyone,
    I have two queries:
    a. Has anyone had success with studying WhatsApp -- especially what
    motivates users to share and forward content? If so, what sort of
    methodologies worked?
    b. I am working on a research project looking at ethics frameworks for
    digital platforms - if you have any suggestions for examples of existing
    platforms and open source communities, consultancies (business and
    developmental), research institutes or social enterprises that have
    demonstrated best practice in governance models and foundational
    principles, I'd love to know.
    Thanks so much,
    All best,
    Padmini Ray Murray, PhD
    Digital Humanities,
    Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology,
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