[Air-L] Final Call for Papers: AJET Special Issue on Cognitive Tools for Learning

Lee, Mark malee at csu.edu.au
Thu Aug 2 18:58:13 PDT 2018

Dear colleagues,

This is a final Call for Papers for a special issue of the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) on the topic "Re-Examining Cognitive Tools: New Developments, New Perspectives, and New Opportunities for Educational Technology Research". The special issue seeks to rekindle and re-energise scholarly interest in, and dialogue around, the concept of educational technologies as cognitive tools for learning, with a particular focus on higher education and other post-secondary education contexts. A major goal is to encourage researchers and practitioners to take a fresh look at the concept and its possible applications in light of developments in not only technology, but also learning theory, pedagogy, instructional design, cognitive science, and psychology, that have taken place since the concept was first popularised in the early 1990s.

The full Call for Papers is available at https://goo.gl/7mc7Uh .

The final, extended deadline for full manuscript submissions is 1 October 2018. However, to assist in forward planning, prospective authors are urged to make contact with the guest editors as soon as possible to express their interest, and shortly thereafter to provide a brief proposal or abstract outlining the nature, content, and aims of the intended article.

Please feel free to share this information with others who you think might be interested.

Kind regards,

Christopher Drew
Senior Lecturer in Education, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Law, Teesside University, UK

Mark J. W. Lee
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Visiting Faculty, Entertainment Technology Center, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Email: ajet.cogtools at gmail.com (Manuscripts are *not* to be sent to this address (see the Call for Papers for submission instructions)

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