[Air-L] Job Announcement: Media Arts at UNT

Jacqueline Vickery jvickery183 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 14:46:18 PDT 2018

The Department of Media Arts at the University of North Texas invites
applications for an Assistant Professor of Media Industry Studies in a
tenure-track position beginning September 1, 2019. We are looking for a
dynamic and innovative scholar who can enrich and expand our existing
strengths in Media Industry Studies. We welcome applications from scholars
with a broad range of specializations and methodological approaches. We are
interested in recruiting candidates who demonstrate commitment to the
highest standards of scholarship, teaching, and professional activity
consistent with a Research I/Tier I university.

Media Arts is composed of an engaged and growing group of accomplished
faculty scholars and creative professionals, and is committed to the
development of a campus climate that supports diversity, equity, and
inclusion. As one of the largest and most active programs in the College of
Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, the Department of Media Arts offers B.A.,
M.A., and M.F.A. degrees. The department houses a PEG TV station and a
100,000-watt radio station. UNT is located in the Dallas-Fort Worth
metroplex, which offers one of the fastest growing cultural and creative
economies in the United States.

Happy to answer any questions and please distribute widely.


*Dr. Jacqueline Ryan **Vickery, Ph.D.*
Associate Professor
Department of Media Arts
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
University of North Texas

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