[Air-L] resources for researches from underdeveloped countries

Hamlet López hamlet.lopez at cubarte.cult.cu
Mon Dec 3 04:58:46 PST 2018

Dear all,

Here the resources sent by other members of the list. (Thank you all, by 
the way!):


Facebook groups on ICTD/HCI4D:
1. https://www.facebook.com/groups/hciXb/
2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2553350463/

Also I found:



El 11/23/2018 a las 9:46 AM, Hamlet López escribió:
> Dear all,
> I would like to compile and share with my colleagues and students a 
> list of resources for social researchers from underdeveloped countries 
> focused in internet research. That would be mainly for Latinoamericans 
> and Caribbeans, but also can be of interest for academicians from Asia 
> or Africa. Examples of resources: international research networks, 
> international research projects, funding opportunities for research 
> and academic travels... Any suggestions?
> Suggestions to widely publish such list will be welcome as well!
> Thanks in advance.
> Hamlet

Hamlet López García
Dr. en Ciencias de la Comunicación Social
Investigador Auxiliar
Instituto Cubano de Investigación Cultural
"Juan Marinello"
La Habana, Cuba

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