[Air-L] Call for Abstracts, Panels, Special Sessions, Tutorials: mobileGovWS 2018

Ibrahim Kushchu ikushchu at gmail.com
Mon Feb 19 14:31:36 PST 2018

mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2018
Brighton UK during 14-15 June 2018, @Hilton Metropole.

This year’s main theme of mobileGovWS2018 is mindfulGovernments: how public
sector IT and service delivery to citizens are influenced by the mobile and
artificial Intelligence technologies. As is the tradition, we do not just
‘organise’ a conference but we establish connections among like-minded
professionals and organisations to create ‘value’ in making technology to
best serve the nations and the needs of the citizens.

The organisation is seeking highly qualified speakers and experts to give
talks and tutorials and propose panels or special sessions to be part of
the next mobileGovWS2018 as well nominations for the Global mobileGov

Ways to participate mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2018:
- Exhibit and make a demo of your solutions: The summit is very much
practice oriented and is soliciting demos and exhibitions.
- Become a speaker: send us max 2 pages of abstract of your prosed talk
(abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings)
- Propose panels, special sessions or tutorials.

Global mobileGov Awards 2018.:
- industry, NPO or Government, you are requested to nominate yourself, your
company or organisations.
- "Academic Category" for outstanding academic contributions and research
is also open.

Please visit http://www.m4life.org/Summit/contact/ and show interest.

General topics include, but not limited to
- mobileGovernment, mobileDevelopment, mobileSociety,
- IOT and Artificial Intelligence as well as
- good old fashioned eGovernment, smart cities and smart government
- big data, open government,
- mobileApps, service and Content delivery
- mobileID, participation, privacy and security

All abstracts /  talk summaries and accepted award descriptions will be
published by mLife Publications.

For other specific topics and coverage please review the draft program at
the conference site and please share conference flyer and videos among your
colleagues at http://www.m4life.org/Summit/videos/

Looking forward to meeting you at the next mobileGovWS in beautiful
Brighton, UK

Founding Director,
mobileGov UK
http://mgovernment.net/ <http://www.mgovernment.org/>
ik at mgovernment.net
 +44 7740143135 <07740%20143135>

- Visit mLife Conferences http://www.m4life.org

*mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2018*

This year’s main theme of mobileGovWS2018 is mindfulGovernments: how public
sector IT and service delivery to citizens are influenced by the mobile and
artificial Intelligence technologies. As is the tradition, we do not just
‘organise’ a conference but we establish connections among like-minded
professionals and organisations to create ‘value’ in making technology to
best serve the nations and the needs of the citizens.

*The Agenda*

   - Mindful Governments : The main theme of this year’s mGovWS - How
   artificial intelligence and machine learning may help to create mindful
   service delivery to citizens?  Find out more and learn about new approaches
   to intelligence in the public sector domain.
   - mGov Summit  aims to be the largest gathering of the mGovernment
   professionals in The World so far.
   - Mobile Industry, Public Sector, NGOs, and Researchers to discuss and
   share achievements and challenges of the
   - High level public sector delegations from best performing countries to
   share their experiences and lessons learned in implementing mobile
   - Exhibitions and showcases of mobile government services, mobile apps,
   devices, content, and other solutions by public and private sector
   organizations, NGOs and academia.
   - 2nd Global mGov Awards will be presented to best public sector
   implementation, industry solution, mobile app or mobile service as academic

*Global mGov Awards*

Global Mobile Government Awards is a worldwide contest aiming to promote
advances in the field, and share knowledge on recent developments.
Innovative best practices and research in the field of Mobile Government
are invited.


   - An opportunity to set your presence at a leading and one of the most
   respected conference on mobile technologies as used by the public sector.
   - You will interact with professionals from public and private sectors,
   mobile industry value chain  and researchers.
   - This is a prime event to promote your organization to a focused
   audience and demonstrate your solutions and applications in the field of

*Who attends?*

This summit is a unique meeting hub for renown experts and organisations of
the  mGovernment practice, delegates, around 250, are:

   - Public sector -high-level decision makers, policy makers and other
   professionals such as developers or implementers of mobile technologies.
   - Private Sector Industry members from, for example, mobile telco`s,
   infrastructure, hardware, content, applications and service providers to
   the public sector.
   - NPOs: Civil Society Organization and Innovative Researchers

*Previous events, sponsors and supporters: *

   - 2005 Euro mGOV 2005 – European Conference Mobile Government, Brighton
   - 2006 Euro mGOV 2006 – Barcelona, Spain
   - 2008 – 2013 mLIfe Conferences– Euro mGOV, mDevelopment and mSociety
   Conferences, Brighton UK
   - 2017 mobileGov World Summit & Global mobileGov Awards, Brighton, UK

The organisation is seeking highly qualified speakers and experts to give
talks and tutorials and propose panels or special sessions to be part of
the next mobileGovWS2018 as well nominations for the Global mobileGov

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