[Air-L] Possible AoiR roundtable? digital materialities and their environmental damage

Adi Kuntsman adi_kuntsman at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 27 03:09:45 PST 2018

Dear AoiRs
Its a last moment ... and a long shot. However, I will ask anyway: is there anyone interested in joining a roundtable on digital materialities and their environmental damages? The main aim of the roundtable is to bring together critical environmental studies and digital media studies, and to look into why on one hand, resaerch into digital cultures so rarely considers the environmental footprints of the technollgies we use; and why on the other hand, research into environmental sustainablity is adopting digital tools so uncritically
There is a way ore articular sourntable abstract currently in the making :)

Happy to provide more info. Please drop me a line by end of tomorrow (28th of Feb) if interested

Dr AdiKuntsman | SeniorLecturer | Department of Languages, Information and Communications |Manchester Metropolitan University | Room 437 Geoffrey Manton Building| OxfordRoad | Manchester | M15 6LL | Tel: +44 (0)161 247 6165 |Web: https://sites.google.com/site/adikuntsman/

Currentresearch https://sites.google.com/view/digitaldisengagementproject

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