[Air-L] "Thinking about Islam, Politics, and Muslim Identity in a Digital Age"

Hasan Azad 1hasan.azad at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 12:20:39 PST 2018

P.S. Here's the Academia.edu link, if you prefer:


On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 3:17 PM, Hasan Azad <1hasan.azad at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> This is my first time posting in this marvellous listserv.
> I wanted to share a forthcoming publication. It's attached, and below is
> the abstract:
> .
> "Since digitality emerges from a Western, Eurocentric weltanschauung, it
> follows that the digital sphere tacitly rejects Islam and Muslims, where
> Islam and Muslims are the archetypal Other of the West. Digitality is a
> continuation of Orientalism, or a Eurocentric power/knowledge project of
> (continued) global domination.  Given Eurocentrism’s inherent racism, given
> digitality’s omnipresence, and given that Islamophobia is the paradigmatic
> example of racism, it is inevitable that there will be more and more
> anti-Islamic/anti-Muslim sentiments throughout the world. This essay is an
> examination of the ways in which politics in the digital age are
> re-configured to fit specific parameters preordained by the digital sphere,
> and, concurrently, ideas around Islam and Muslimness—whether according to
> the wider social (media) landscape or by Muslim actors themselves—are also
> significantly re-shaped by digitality. Digital Islam is disrupting
> traditional ulematic authority in ways never seen before. This is because
> authority/knowledge within the interactive spaces of Web 2.0 is dissected,
> reconfigured and reassembled as another kind of knowledge. Digitality is
> challenging various branches of Islam (whether Shia, Sunni, Wahhabi, or
> what have you), when it comes to their authority, not least because
> traditional Islamic authorities have to now—consciously and
> unconsciously—comport themselves and their message to the logic of
> digitality."
> Best,
> Hasan
> --
> Hasan Azad, PhD
> Dept. of Religion
> Columbia University
> NY, 10027
> Red and Green Oil on Water - A Novel:
> https://www.amazon.com/Red-Green-Water-Hasan-Azad-ebook/
> dp/B01IZMTHEY/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1478404672&sr=1-1
> Ta'seel Commons: http://www.taseelcommons.com/
> Academia.edu: https://columbia.academia.edu/HasanAzad
> Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/has-an-apple
> co-founder: Yoga Makes Art: https://yogaandwriting.wordpress.com/2016/02/


Hasan Azad, PhD
Dept. of Religion
Columbia University
NY, 10027

Red and Green Oil on Water - A Novel:


Ta'seel Commons: http://www.taseelcommons.com/

Academia.edu: https://columbia.academia.edu/HasanAzad

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/has-an-apple

co-founder: Yoga Makes Art: https://yogaandwriting.wordpress.com/2016/02/

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