[Air-L] Seeking a short introduction text on technological determinism vs. SCOT

Glen.Fuller Glen.Fuller at canberra.edu.au
Sun Feb 18 14:45:43 PST 2018

Hi Carmel,

For a number of years I've used chapter 1 from Slack and Wise's Culture and Technology which is on the "Progress" narrative and a very a very patient introduction to critical engagements with culture and technology. 

They've just published a second edition and I will use their new chapter 1 "The Power and Problem of Culture, The Power and Problem of Technology".

This is more like a primer for students to introduce the general field (and locate themselves reflexively with regards to their own use/devices/etc), then I explore specific theoretical approaches etc in subsequent weeks. You can also use their book for this.



-----Original Message-----
From: Air-L [mailto:air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org] On Behalf Of Carmel Vaisman
Sent: Monday, 19 February 2018 2:03 AM
To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
Subject: [Air-L] Seeking a short introduction text on technological determinism vs. SCOT

Dear fellows,

I have been struggling with the task of finding a simple short text for undergraduates that introduces the approaches of technological determinism (including utopia and dystopia) versus social construction of technology.
Since the theoretical terrain has since been enriched with actor network theories and post phenomenology and so forth, it has become very hard to find a text that doesn't complicate this basic framework which fits a sophomore introductory level course. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Carmel Vaisman, PhD.
The Multidisciplinary Program in the Humanities The Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas Tel Aviv University http://www.absolutecarmel.com
Twitter: @carmelva
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