[Air-L] Seeking a short introduction text on technological determinism vs. SCOT

Jill Walker Rettberg Jill.Walker.Rettberg at uib.no
Mon Feb 19 07:15:39 PST 2018

I love all these suggestions. I've used Langdon Winner's "Do Artifacts Have Politics?" with students, and it's worked well. It needs a bit of contextualisation, though, and so last year I recorded a YouTube video to help them read it before class, so they'd be better prepared in class. They liked that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kicl0pXAJYQ

We've often used it with the Wyatt piece mentioned below. The other works mentioned sound great too, I'll be checking those out before teaching the concepts next!


Jill Walker Rettberg 
Professor of Digital Culture
University of Bergen

On 18/02/2018, 16:10, "Nathanael Bassett" <nbasse2 at uic.edu> wrote:

    Hi Carmel,
    I know you said “for undergrads” but I really feel the following pieces are
    very accessible and may be helpful with some guidance. Wyatt’s might be the
    most apropriate:
       - Dafoe, A. (2015). On Technological Determinism: A Typology, Scope
       Conditions, and a Mechanism. *Science, Technology & Human Values, 40*(6),
       1047–1076. http://doi.org/10.1177/0162243915579283
       - Fuller, M. (2015) The Forbidden Pleasures of Media Determining. In
       Ikoniadou, E., & Wilson, S. (Eds.). *Media After Kittler*. New York:
       Rowman & Littlefield International.
       - Wyatt, S. (2014). Technological Determinism Is Dead; Long Live
       Technological Determinism. In Scharff, R. C., & Dusek, V. (2014).
       Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell.
    Nathanael Bassett
    PhD Student | Department of Communication
    University of Illinois at Chicago
    t# 203.400.8203
    twitter: mrliterati <http://twitter.com/mrliterati>
    url: mrliterati.com
    On February 18, 2018 at 9:02:58 AM, Carmel Vaisman (carmelv at gmail.com)
    Dear fellows,
    I have been struggling with the task of finding a simple short text for
    undergraduates that introduces the approaches of technological determinism
    (including utopia and dystopia) versus social construction of technology.
    Since the theoretical terrain has since been enriched with actor network
    theories and post phenomenology and so forth, it has become very hard to
    find a text that doesn't complicate this basic framework which fits a
    sophomore introductory level course. Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance,
    Carmel Vaisman, PhD.
    The Multidisciplinary Program in the Humanities
    The Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas
    Tel Aviv University
    Twitter: @carmelva
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