[Air-L] research ethics again - students and FB

Charles M. Ess c.m.ess at media.uio.no
Wed Jan 10 06:43:31 PST 2018

Dear AoIRists,

What are your thoughts regarding the following?

A research project involves a small number of students, legally minors - 
and requires that they set up fake FB accounts for the sake of 
role-playing in an educational context?
Of course, fake accounts are a clear violation of the FB ToS.

I know we've discussed the ethics of researchers doing this (with mixed 
results, i.e., some for, some concerned).

But I'm curious what folk think / feel about this version of the problem.

Many thanks in advance,
- charles
Professor in Media Studies
Department of Media and Communication
University of Oslo

Postboks 1093
Blindern 0317
Oslo, Norway
c.m.ess at media.uio.no

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