[Air-L] User reaction to "addition" narrative

Jay Hauben hauben at columbia.edu
Sun Jan 14 19:23:35 PST 2018

Hi Sanjay,

The World of Warcraft community in China responded to the "addition"
narrative with a video that received wide approval and spread. You can see
that response described in a presentation given at re:public 2017 in Berlin
in May 2017. I will attach the text. It can also be seen at:


The slides which accompanied the presentation are at:


A video clip of part of the response can be accessed at:


The whole response can be seen on YouTube starting at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHjg65mQJkw&list=PL01C52AF09E8FD76D. It is
in Mandarin but along the top are English language super-titles.

Take care.


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