[Air-L] Lost youtube comments

Philippa Smith philippa.smith at aut.ac.nz
Tue Jan 16 14:22:44 PST 2018

Hi Everyone

My latest research project involves linguistic analysis of comments/replies under a specific youtube video.  Interestingly I cut and pasted the comments from a particular youtube url in July last year and saved them in a word document. However in going back to update this in 2018 I find that those original comments are no longer accessible in that the site does not automatically load more comments beyond the last three months.  This leave me with an incomplete data set.  I find this situation rather intriguing.   If anyone who is better informed than I am  might enlighten me as to whether this just reflects a change in youtube policy or might relate to settings of the youtube poster - that would be helpful. And if there is any solution - even better!

Kind regards



Philippa Smith
Senior Lecturer
Auckland University of Technology

[QS rankings]<https://www.aut.ac.nz/qs>


P 09 921 9999 ext 8276    E philippa.smith at aut.ac.nz<mailto:philippa.smith at aut.ac.nz>    W aut.ac.nz<https://www.aut.ac.nz/>


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