[Air-L] [Deadline Extended] CFP: CHI 2018 Workshop on Hacking and Making at Time-bounded Events

Ei Pa Pa Pe Than eipapapt at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Jan 23 14:08:41 PST 2018

Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation!

Interested in time-bounded events like hackathons – come and join our workshop!

Submissions are invited for CHI 2018 workshop on “Hacking and Making at Time-bounded Events: Current Trends and Next Steps in Research and Event Design”

Important dates:
Submission deadline: January 26, 2018 February 2, 2018 (11:59 pm EST)
Notification of acceptance: February 22, 2018
Workshop date: April 22, 2018
Workshop location: Montréal, Canada (co-located with CHI 2018, https://chi2018.acm.org)

We are pleased to announce our second workshop on hacking and making at time-bounded events like hackathons, building on the success of our first edition at the 2017 ACM CSCW conference. This one-day workshop will be co-located with CHI 2018, a premier venue for innovations through academic-practitioner interactions, and it will bring together researchers interested in time-bounded events, experienced event organizers, and individuals interested in running their own events in the future. The aims of this workshop are to facilitate sharing hackathon-related experiences among the workshop participants, consolidating existing research, and building and strengthening academic-industry partnerships to enable new research opportunities. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):

  *   Design variations (e.g., collaboration or competition, learning or community building, etc.)
  *   Short term and longer-term outcomes
  *   Practical support and recommendations for event organizers
  *   Applications beyond traditional software engineering context
  *   Mediated interactions and modality transitions
  *   Theoretical space of “hackathons”

Submission details:
Your submission should be in a single PDF file between 2-4 pages in total, and include a short overview of each author’s background, their interest in this field, and motivation for participation in the workshop, as well as a description of one or more workshop themes of particular interest to the authors. This may be in a form of summarizing research ideas, recounting an experience with related event, or story drawn from participant’s own research or event. Supplementary materials can also be submitted. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the workshop organizers. Accepted submissions will be posted and publicly downloadable on the workshop website. Details can be found at http://hackathon-workshop-2018.com.

Additional requirements:
At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop, and must register for the workshop and one day of the CHI 2018 conference.


  *   Ei Pa Pa Pe Than (Primary contact) (Institute for Software Research at Carnegie Mellon University)
  *   James D. Herbsleb and Alexander Nolte (Institute for Software Research at Carnegie Mellon University)
  *   Elizabeth Gerber (Northwestern University)
  *   Brittany Fiore-Gartland (eScience Institute at University of Washington)
  *   Meg Drouhard (University of Washington)
  *   Brad Chapman (Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health at Harvard University)
  *   Aurelia Moser (Mozilla Science Lab)
  *   Nancy Wilkins-Diehr (San Diego Supercomputer Center at Science Gateways Community Institute)

If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please send us an email at hackathon.workshop2018 at gmail.com<mailto:hackathon.workshop2018 at gmail.com>.

Thank you!

Best regards,
Ei Pa
Postdoctoral Researcher
Institute for Software Research
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

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