[Air-L] Fwd: [JVWR] Quick Turnaround CfP Assembled 2018

Tzafnat Shpak tzafnat.shpak at jvwresearch.org
Mon Jan 15 05:12:53 PST 2018

A quick turnaround of papers: Feb. 2018 decision and Apr. 2018 publication.
 JVWR CfP Assembled 2018
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A Quick Turnaround Call for Papers - Assembled 2018 issue

A General Call for Papers

*Note:* this is a good opportunity for authors for a quick turnaround of
papers with February 2018 *decisions* and April 2018 *publication*.

The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (http://www.jvwresearch.org/
is an online, open access academic journal that engages a wide spectrum of
scholarship and welcomes contributions from the various disciplines and
approaches that intersect with virtual worlds research. Virtual worlds
ignite a continuously evolving area of study that spans multiple
disciplines and the JVWR editorial team looks forward to engaging a wide
range of creative and scholarly research.

*Motivation and Scope*

The Assembled issue is a place for various papers, on the topic of the
journal - that are being collected during the year and published usually
once a year.

Authors who would like to submit directly to the ‘Assembled’ issue should
do so by adding the words “submitted for Assembled” in the “Comments for
Editor” on the 1st step of the submitting process.
*Possible topics include, but are not limited to:*

   - 3D fun
   - Mini robots
   - Social networks that change our mind
   - Artificial limbs
   - New forms of hardware
   - Augmented and mixed environments
   - Wearable
   - User generated content
   - 3D printing
   - Visual data streaming
   - Immersive technologies
   - Shopping from home
   - Projections of the real
   - Wireless people
   - Portable friends
   - The Internet of Things
   - Virtual currencies
   - E-readers
   - …
   - And more

*See past Assembled issues >>>>>>>*
  Submission Instructions Authors are invited to submit original scholarly
papers of 3000-5000 words including footnotes, references, and appendices.
Interested authors should submit a full paper by the deadline indicated
below. All submissions should be made via the JVWR publishing system (see
www.jvwreserach.org > About JVWR > For Authors). All submissions will be
peer reviewed. Accepted papers will be published online in the Volume 11,
Number 1 (2018) of the Journal.
  *Deadlines and Timetable* Issue editor(s) are to be announced.
If you wish to enhance your editing experience with this quick turnaround
issue - please send email request with CV to #TheJVWR coordinating editor
at info at jvwresearch.org

*January 30, 2018:* Authors submit full paper
*February 10, 2018:* Editors return initial decision
*March 10, 2018:* Authors submit final revision
*March 25, 2018:* Camera ready
*April 1, 2018:* Publication
  Further Information

Please contact: info at jvwresearch.org
[image: Assembled 2017]
[image: Assembled 2016 (2/2)]
[image: Assembled 2015]
[image: Assembled 2014]
[image: Assembled 2013]
[image: Assembled 2012]
[image: Assembled 2012]
*Copyright © 2018 Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, All rights reserved.*

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