[Air-L] Fwd: Volume 2 International Handbook of Internet Research Appendix B: Major Research Centers and Institutes

Jeremy Hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Tue Jul 10 12:35:20 PDT 2018

Forward as appropriate -jh
[image: Google Forms]
I've invited you to fill out a form:
Volume 2 International Handbook of Internet Research Appendix B: Major
Research Centers and Institutes
This form collects information for Appendix B of volume 2 of the
International Handbook of Internet Research. This appendix is intended to
document the major research centers and research institutes related to
internet research and internet studies. It does not deal with research
degrees which is covered in Appendix A. Please see appendix B in Volume 1
of the International Handbook of internet Research for examples. Inclusion
will be made on editorial judgement, and editors may edit your
contribution. If you have questions about this survey contact Jeremy
Hunsinger (jhuns at vt.edu) This form will close around Sept. 1.
Fill out form
Create your own Google Form

Jeremy Hunsinger
Associate Professor
Communication Studies
Wilfrid Laurier University

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