[Air-L] Seeking resources on A.I. and machine learning

Emma Stamm stamm at vt.edu
Tue Jul 24 14:17:46 PDT 2018

Dear AoIRists,

I am researching artificial intelligence and machine learning within the
framework of digital culture studies and philosophy of technoscience. Right
now, I am looking for articles that reflect current developments in AI & ML
programming that are suitable for non-STEM experts. Specifically, I am
interested in pieces that illuminate the ways in which generalization and
inductive/abductive reasoning are essential to algorithms that effectively
“predict” the future. However, more wide-ranging, introductory pieces would
also be helpful for me.

I am familiar with the work of Pedro Domingos, but do not know of many
other sources that suit my needs. Any recommendations would be very welcome.

Thank you in advance!



*Emma Stamm*
*PhD Student, ASPECT Virginia Tech
*o-culus.com <http://o-culus.com> | @turing_tests*

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