[Air-L] Multiple Senior Research Positions for Team Leaders at RISE, Cyprus

Jahna Otterbacher jahna.otterbacher at me.com
Sat Nov 10 03:27:34 PST 2018

Dear colleagues,
The Research Center on Interactive Media, Smart Systems, and Emerging Technologies (http://rise.org.cy <http://rise.org.cy/>) has openings for several positions of Team Leaders for the creation of Multidisciplinary Research Groups within the center.
Successful applicants will receive a competitive salary and additional funds for recruiting two junior researchers under their supervision.
Applications are solicited across all areas of Interactive Media, Smart Systems, and Emerging Technologies, including (but not limited to) the following:
    iNicosia (relevant to RISE’s flagship project on smart cities)
    Augmented Reality
    Data Analysis and Visualization
    Interactive (Human-In-The-Loop) Machine Learning
    Virtual Humans
    User Experience/Interaction Design
    Imaging/Computer Vision
    Applied Cognition/Neuroscience (with research interest in interactive technologies)
    3D printing/Fabrication
    Wearable Computing
    Other areas relevant to Interactive Media, Smart Systems, and Emerging Technologies
The full announcement, deadlines, and application procedure can be found here: http://www.rise.org.cy/en-gb/vacancies/team-leaders/ <http://www.rise.org.cy/en-gb/vacancies/team-leaders/>
Jahna Otterbacher
RISE Center of Excellence, Cyprus

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