[Air-L] AI4People - 20 Recommendations for a Socially Good AI - presented in the EU Parliament

Luciano Floridi lfloridi at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 09:54:46 PST 2018

Dear All,

yesterday, we presented in the EU Parliament the final deliverable of the AI4People project:
http://www.eismd.eu/ai4people/ <http://www.eismd.eu/ai4people/>
This is a paper containing 20 Recommendations for socially good AI.
The article also contains a meta-analysis of 6 projects on Ethical Principles for AI.
The preprint is here: https://goo.gl/uXCCGr <https://goo.gl/uXCCGr>
I hope it may be of interest.

The article will be published open access in Springer’s international, peer-reviewed journal Minds and Machines, in the December issue:
https://www.springer.com/new+&+forthcoming+titles+%28default%29/journal/11023 <https://www.springer.com/new+&+forthcoming+titles+(default)/journal/11023>

Best regards,

PA Danuta Farah | pa.floridi at oii.ox.ac.uk <mailto:pa.floridi at oii.ox.ac.uk>

Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information
Director, Digital Ethics Lab
Oxford Internet Institute  |  University of Oxford

Professorial Fellow, Exeter College, Oxford

Turing Fellow | Chair of the Data Ethics Group
The Alan Turing Institute, London

1 St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3JS, UK  
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 287202  |  @Floridi

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