[Air-L] Open Access Repositories

Sugar, Benjamin N bsugar at gatech.edu
Wed Oct 31 10:36:48 PDT 2018

Assuming you meant open access data:

First, is my favorite because it covers data all the way from very "serious and useful” to “What? That’s a dataset?!?”

You can also sign up for the newsletter: Data is Plural<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wZhPLMCHKJvwOkP4juclhjFgqIY8fQFMemwKL2c64vk/edit?usp=sharing>

A lot of the data that is spread about (for example, in the Internet Archive) is now on Harvard’s Dataverse Project<https://dataverse.harvard.edu/>

I could go on and on, so maybe if students aren’t finding what they’d like, they can email the list or me and I’ll be happy to point them in the right direction.

In case the embedded links don’t work:



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