[Air-L] Special Issue: Video Games and Demanding Technologies

Nicholas Bowman Nicholas.Bowman at mail.wvu.edu
Sat Sep 15 08:12:36 PDT 2018

Calling all game studies folks!

In collaboration with the open-access journal Media and Communication, I am happy to announce our call for a special issue, "Video Games as Demanding  Technologies." We are seeking submissions that broadly discuss the cognitive, emotional, physical, and social demands of video games (and game-like environments, which could include board games as well as virtual reality and other digital technologies). Papers can be both theoretical syntheses and empirical studies, and we are broadly open to all manner of scholarly approaches, including social sciences and humanities perspectives.

Abstract submissions are due by 28 February 2019, and should be between 250 and 500 words. For empirical studies, we are also accepting pre-registered reports (of up to 3000 words), which will be evaluated and accepted "in principle" depending on peer review. Complete details about the journal, the special issue, and the submission process are available at https://www.cogitatiopress.com/mediaandcommunication/pages/view/nextissues#videogames.

I am also happy to address any questions directly, at Nicholas.Bowman at mail.wvu.edu. For individuals who are not interested in submitting but might be interested in reviewing manuscripts, I would be happy to include you on my ad hoc editorial board.

Happy gaming, and let's be in touch. =)


/ Nicholas David Bowman, PhD

Associate Professor of Communication Studies
Research Associate, Interaction Lab (#ixlab)
Faculty Senator, Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
West Virginia University

210L Armstrong Hall

Morgantown, WV 26506
Nicholas.Bowman at mail.wvu.edu<mailto:Nicholas.Bowman at mail.wvu.edu>

Twitter @bowmanspartan
Skype ID: nicholasdbowman

Editor, Communication Research Reports (http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rcrr20)

Associate Editor, Journal of Media Psychology (https://us.hogrefe.com/products/journals/journal-of-media-psychology)

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