[Air-L] Three year post.doc. - anthropologist to research machine vision technologies

Jill Walker Rettberg Jill.Walker.Rettberg at uib.no
Fri Apr 12 04:54:31 PDT 2019

A three year post.doc. position is available for an anthropologist or similar to research the experiences of users and developers of everyday machine vision technologies. The position is part of the ERC project Machine Vision in Everyday Life: Playful Interactions with Visual Technologies in Digital Art, Games, Narratives and Social Media (https://www.uib.no/en/machinevision). When planning the project, I had an AoIR kind of person in mind for this job - I would love to hire somebody who has a PhD in anthropology, STS, sociology, media studies, communication studies, digital culture or similar, and who has experience using anthropological or ethnographic methods (fieldwork, participant observation, interviews etc) to understand peoples' relationships with digital technologies.

The post.doc. will design research that played to their own strengths and interests, while informing the overall project objective and research questions. For a five page project summary that explains the overall project plan, see https://www.uib.no/sites/w3.uib.no/files/attachments/partb1_machinevision-edited-december2017.pdf

The application deadline is 31 May, and the full job advertisement is available here:
Applications should be submitted through the portal linked from the job ad. 


Jill Walker Rettberg 
Professor of Digital Culture
University of Bergen

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