[Air-L] Email for List

Caron Beaton-Wells c.beaton-wells at unimelb.edu.au
Tue Apr 23 17:11:50 PDT 2019


Could you please post the following email to this list:

Dear all

I am a new member of the AoIR and new to this list.  I am an academic at the University of Melbourne Law School and my current research interests lie in the area of competition in a digital age.

I host a podcast, Competition Lore<https://competitionlore.com/> (play on words!) that releases fortnightly episodes canvassing a range of topics and major developments with implications for policy, law and enforcement in this field, particularly as they pertain to Big Tech. Episodes feature interviews with academics, policymakers and enforcement officials, as well as representatives from the major digital platforms, and discussions have canvassed the legal, economic, social and political dimensions of Big Data, multi-sided markets, network effects, collusive algorithms and other mysteries of digital markets!

I am sharing this with the list in the hope that the podcast will be of interest to some. The podcast has a website at https://competitionlore.com/ but can also be found on all the major podcast apps.

Kind regards

Professor Caron Beaton-Wells
Director, Global Competition and Consumer Law Online Program<https://online.unimelb.edu.au/law-courses/global-competition-and-consumer-law>
Director, Competition Law & Economics Network<http://law.unimelb.edu.au/centres/clen>
 Follow me on twitter: @CaronBW
Join my LinkedIn network<https://www.linkedin.com/in/caronb>
Learn about my research projects<http://law.unimelb.edu.au/centres/clen#research>

T: +61 3 8344 1004
M: 0418108483
Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia

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