[Air-L] PhD advice video - Managing stress and productivity

Glatt,ZA (pgr) Z.A.Glatt at lse.ac.uk
Thu Aug 15 11:14:42 PDT 2019



Hello fellow AoIR-ists! (AoIRites? AoIRers?)

I just posted this 'PhD Advice' video to my YouTube channel about managing stress and maintaining productivity as a PhD student. It occurred to me, particularly in my capacity as incoming Graduate Student Rep for AoIR, that some of you on this list might find it useful or might know someone who would find it useful. I think it's so important to have open conversations about the mental health strains that can come with working in academia, especially during the PhD when confidence can be especially fragile.

PhD Advice #4: Managing Stress and Productivity | Dr. YouTube LSE<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrz5f5VmRrQ>
Hello! In this PhD Advice video I share some tips that I've been using to combat press and maintain productivity as a PhD student. I really hope you find it helpful, mental health is such an ...

If you're interested, I have a whole 'PhD Advice' series. Please do share with anyone you know who is either doing a PhD or thinking about doing one, and who might find them interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzbX1-eFZAs&list=PLKj6DiBP6Z-dMATDmQsoO3vV0NyPC_46I

Looking forward to seeing some of you in Brisbane in October, and others on the interwebs! 🌟




Zoë Glatt


ESRC PhD Researcher in Media & Communications

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Managing Editor: Communication, Culture & Critique

YouTube channel<https://www.youtube.com/user/Zedstergal> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/ZoeGlatt> | LSE bio<http://www.lse.ac.uk/media-and-communications/people/phd-researchers/zoe-glatt>


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