[Air-L] 2020 Teresa Award for the Advancement of Feminist Scholarship

Rybas, Natalia natrybas at iue.edu
Sun Dec 15 17:50:07 PST 2019

The Feminist Scholarship Division of International Communication Association seeks: (1) nominees for the Teresa Award for the Advancement of Feminist Scholarship; and (2) volunteers willing to serve on the Teresa Awards Committee to help choose among the nominees.

Those wishing to serve on the committee should hold a doctoral degree and have a depth of familiarity with feminist communication scholarship. Service on the committee requires a minimal commitment of time in March after the nominations are in.  Please indicate your interest in serving on the Teresa Award Committee by sending an email to the co-chairs of the Teresa Award Committee, Carolyn Byerly (cbyerly at earthlink.net<mailto:cbyerly at earthlink.net>) and Natalia Rybas (natrybas at gmail.com)

Those interested in nominating a feminist scholar for the award should inform co-chairs of the Teresa Award Committee about their intent. The nominating materials should be submitted to the co-chairs no later than March 1, 2020 (EST).

The Teresa Award recognizes work from established feminist scholars who have made significant contributions to the development, reach and influence of feminist scholarship in communication and/or media studies. While the FSD awards committee favors research that consists of multiple projects and publications that have made a clear, coherent and sustained contribution to the advancement of feminist scholarship over time, single works and/or activities which have been highly influential in the field of feminist communication scholarship may also qualify someone for nomination. The strongest nominees for this award will have accomplished one or more of the following:

(1) opened up new theoretical and/or methodological territory in feminist research;

(2) made other important contributions to the advancement of feminist scholarship; and

(3) engaged in feminist activism within academia that advanced feminist scholarship.

Any scholar who has made significant contributions to shaping the field of feminist communication and media studies may be nominated. They do not have be a member of Feminist Scholarship Division. We encourage self-nominations as well as the nomination by others. In most instances, members of the Teresa Award Committee may not submit nominees for consideration.

Nominations should include the following:

(1) One letter of nomination, not to exceed two pages. Letters must: (a) provide full name and affiliation of the person being nominated, (b) specify the relevant body of work and/or other contributions made; (c) address the work's and/or activity's contributions to feminist scholarship (in the case of research, this will involve theoretical and methodological assessments); and (d) make a case for its influence and impact on the advancement of feminist scholarship.

(2) Current CV of the scholar being nominated.

(3) Three representative examples of the work cited, where appropriate. If the example is book length, only the title page, copyright page, table of contents, and one chapter should be sent for that work.

Nomination packets should be submitted electronically to the co-chairs of the Teresa Award Committee, Carolyn Byerly and Natalia Rybas at cbyerly at earthlink.net<mailto:cbyerly at earthlink.net> and natrybas at gmail.com by Thursday, March 1, 2020 (EST).

The Teresa Award was established in 2007 through an endowed fund created by Dr. Yoo Jae Song of Ewha Women's University in Korea to honor her mother, Dr. Teresa Kyuguen Cho, a Korean American and a pediatrician, who passed away in Philadelphia in 2006 at the age of 83.

?Natalia Rybas, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Programs, IU East
Associate Professor, Communication Studies
Coordinator, Bachelor of General Studies program
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Indiana University East

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