[Air-L] Three new continuing (tenured) jobs at QUT

Jean Burgess je.burgess at qut.edu.au
Tue Dec 3 21:51:37 PST 2019

Dear AoIR colleagues,

We have 3 continuing (i.e. tenured following probation) appointments open in the QUT School of Communication. There are two (2) positions in Digital Media/Media and Entertainment Industries and one (1) position in the Journalism/Professional Communication.

Candidates can apply for any of these positions at the Lecturer, Senior Lecturer or Associate Professor level. Please take a look and distribute to outstanding candidates, or apply on your own behalf.

We have exciting new Masters level courses in Digital Communication, lots of exciting things happening in the Digital Media Research Centre and a bunch of new research initiatives coming online, and we’re excited about adding new team members to the mix.

The job is now live on QUT Jobs<https://qut.nga.net.au/cp/index.cfm?event=jobs.checkJobDetailsNewApplication&returnToEvent=jobs.listJobs&jobid=638E4108-9305-8689-5E44-ADD29EEF1CAE&CurATC=EXT&CurBID=1877E01E%2D78DD%2D4ED2%2D9D7A%2D9DB40135CFF4&JobListID=73e3bb51%2D1aa7%2Ddb29%2D2ea3%2D52af99b4f747&jobsListKey=1c5ad35b%2D30ff%2D403d%2D9af1%2D5e7b0201c0c6&persistVariables=CurATC,CurBID,JobListID,jobsListKey,JobID&lid=44751320028>.

The closing date is 10 January 2020.

Best wishes

Professor Jean Burgess
Staff Profile: http://staff.qut.edu.au/staff/burgesje
Email: je.burgess at qut.edu.au<mailto:je.burgess at qut.edu.au> | Twitter: @jeanburgess<http://twitter.com/jeanburgess>
Google scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=dfpq_bkAAAAJ&hl=en

Centre Director | QUT Digital Media Research Centre
School of Communication | Creative Industries Faculty | Queensland University of Technology | CRICOS No. 00213J
Z1-515 | Musk Ave | Kelvin Grove QLD 4059

Website: http://research.qut.edu.au/dmrc | Twitter: @qutdmrc<http://twitter.com/qutdmrc> | Centre email: dmrc at qut.edu.au<mailto:dmrc at qut.edu.au>

The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) acknowledges the Turrbal and Yugara, as the First Nations owners of the lands where QUT now stands. We pay respect to their Elders, lores, customs and creation spirits. We recognise that these lands have always been places of teaching, research and learning. QUT acknowledges the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people play within the QUT community.

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