[Air-L] Senior Researcher Position Media Studies & Computational Social Science in Hamburg, Germany

Jan-Hinrik Schmidt j.schmidt at hans-bredow-institut.de
Tue Dec 17 00:42:56 PST 2019

** Apologies for cross-posting **

Dear list members,

the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institute in 
Hamburg, Germany, is hiring a Senior Researcher in Computational Social 
Science. We are looking for people with completed PhD and a proven track 
record in the field of communication and media research as well as 
computational social sciences. You can find the full job posting here; 
deadline for applications is January 15th, 2020:


Best, Jan

Dr. Jan-Hinrik Schmidt
Senior Researcher für Digitale Interaktive Medien und Politische Kommunikation
Leibniz-Institut für Medienforschung | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)

Rothenbaumchaussee 36
20148 Hamburg


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