[Air-L] CALL FOR WORKSHOP/SPECIAL-SESSION PROPOSALS - 18th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence | Thessaloniki, Greece, 14th - 17th October 2019

Rahul Pandey pdrahul2 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 08:41:34 PST 2019

[Our apologies should you receive this message more than once]

Web Intelligence 2019
18th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence
Thessaloniki, Greece, 14th - 17th October 2019


You are invited to submit a workshop/special-session proposal as part of
the WI '19 conference

The 18th Web Intelligence conference (WI '19) will be held in
Thessaloniki (Greece)
during 14th to 17th of October 2019. Its organizing committee invites
proposals for workshops/special sessions to be held in conjunction with the
conference. The goals of the workshops are to explore emerging research
topics and to provide a forum for authors to present early research results
on these topics. We would like to have a number of workshops, with a high
quality program dominated by contributed papers. We expect that workshops
will run a rigorous review process, to make sure programs will be of
high-quality. Organizers may structure workshops/tutorials as they see fit,
possibly including invited talks, panel discussions, presentations of work
in progress, peer-reviewed papers, demonstrations, or some combination.

Dimitrios Katsaros, ECE, University of Thessaly, Greece (dkatsar at inf.uth.gr
<dkatsar at e-ce.uth.gr>)
Rahul Pandey, IST, George Mason University, USA (rpandey4 at gmu.edu)


   - the topic falls in the general scope of Web Intelligence 2019;
   - As the theme for this year's conference is "Web Intelligence = AI in
   the Connected World", workshops/special-sessions under this theme is
   - there is a clear focus on a specific technology, problem or
   - there should be a greater impact to the society;

In particular, we encourage the submission of workshop/special-session
proposals on:

   - Fairness in Web
   - Deep Learning/ML in the Web
   - Web for Social Good
   - Web for Smart cities
   - Web in/for IoT
   - Misinformation handling in the Web
   - Recommendation Systems for the Web
   - Big Data on the Web
   - User behavior modeling in the Web
   - NLP in the Web
   - Mobile data mining in the Web
   - Social intelligence
   - Web/text mining

Workshop/Special-Session Proposal Submission Deadline - 5th March, 2019
Workshop/Special-Session Proposal Notification of Acceptance - 25th March,
All Workshops/Special-Sessions Day - 4th October, 2019

The workshop proposal, in PDF, should provide the following information, in
the following format:


   - Title of the workshop/special-session and acronym
   - Proposed duration (half-day or full-day)
   - Workshop (co-)chair(s) name, affiliation. mailing address, and e-mail
   - Short CV of (co-)chair(s) including past experience in organizing
   workshops and/or related events


   - Abstract: One paragraph describing the workshop/special-session
   purpose (max. 200 words)
   - Scope and topics of the workshop


   - Motivation and rationale
      - Why the workshop is related to WI 2019;
      - Why the topic is timely and important;
      - Why the workshop may attract a significant number of submissions of
      good quality;
      - Why the workshop may attract a large number of attendees, in
      addition to the authors;
      - Why the workshop differs from others;
      - Related workshops and conferences of similar topics;


   - Tentative committee lists (organizers, program committee, etc.)
   - Expected number of participants and the expected number of submissions
   - A short list of potential authors that are expected to submit papers
   to the workshop
   - A draft call for papers (max 1 page)
   - A description of the publicity and promotion plan
   - Workshop tentative internal and external schedule (expect adjustments
   by the workshops chairs to align all workshop schedules)
      - Submission deadline;
      - Review deadline;
      - Acceptance deadline;
      - Camera ready;
      - Program ready;
   - Workshop format planned (keynote, expected number of presented papers,
   invited talks, panels, demonstrations, etc.)

Please send a whole copy of your proposal in PDF format to workshop
co-chairs with subject "Submission of WI 2019 workshop proposal: XXX",
where XXX should be replaced by the acronym of your workshop

The decision about acceptance or rejection of workshop proposals will be
made by the Workshop co-Chairs in consultation with the General and Program
Committee Chairs, taking into account several factors including overall
quality, the topic fit with respect to The Web Intelligence Conference
2019, the coverage of the topic in other tracks of the conference, the
estimated number of attendees for the workshop, etc.


   - Announce the calls for papers
   - Create and maintain the workshop/special-session website
   - Publicize workshop/special-session in the relevant communities
   - Create the Program Committee
   - Conduct the review process
   - Schedule the workshop/special-session program

Workshop/special session paper registration fees are the same as regular
conference fees. All registered participants are entitled to attend all
keynotes, sessions, workshops, panels, tutorials and social events.

Full day workshops should have 10-14 regular papers (max 8 pages), while
half day should have 5-7 regular papers. On the other hand, special-session
should have 4-6 regular papers. The papers must be submitted electronically
via Cyberchair in standard ACM Conference Proceedings format (max 8 pages).
The workshop's organizers will have the responsibility to ensure the
presence of authors of the accepted papers at the workshops.

Download this in pdf:


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