[Air-L] R: Inquiry on screen shots

Jill Walker Rettberg Jill.Walker.Rettberg at uib.no
Thu Feb 28 22:43:02 PST 2019

I agree! I haven't joined the Discourse discussion because the topic's not quite central enough to what I do, but I like being able to watch conversations on this list, and I like knowing about internet research that's not exactly what I do. This is my favourite academic listserv precisely BECAUSE of the discussions. So many other lists are just announcement lists which is boring. 


On 01/03/2019, 01:17, "Air-L on behalf of Holly Kruse" <air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org on behalf of holly.kruse at gmail.com> wrote:

    As someone with a heavy teaching load in a school where research isn’t particularly valued, and as a person who managed air-l for seven years, let me add that I have very much appreciated reading this discussion. It’s useful, relevant, and to me, what makes air-l vital. It could just become an announcements only list used to circulate CFPs and job announcements – and it sometimes feels like that what air-l is – but I and many others would hate that. I’m not at a university where I can have this sort of discussion with my colleagues. I rely on air-l instead.
    Holly Kruse
    > On Feb 28, 2019, at 4:30 PM, Light Ben <B.Light at salford.ac.uk> wrote:
    > I agree with Jean.  I have to be honest, I delete a chunk of list serv stuff due to being busy, but every now and then something catches my eye - like this and I engage.  I also read a lot and don't engage. I've been reading the ethics stuff viz screenshots for example but not felt the need to post (so unmanly). I like the discussion aspect of the list here.  Maybe I'm old fashioned. But without the discussion, it becomes just a space we post in without engagement, and I’m not so much interested in that.  I like when we raise issues and chat about them. I can easily delete stuff I don't mind wading through discussion threads if I am interested.  I delete what I am not bothered about (sorry folks!).   For me the list is a touch point, to keep connected with a community in the midst of (in my job) management, in another context I could imagine (a heavy teaching load in a school where research and educational enquiry isn't valued.  Different channels for different folks I say.   There I just said what Jean said, but used more words and space, because I'm a chatterbox - and likely coz I'm a man. Sorry folks/jean for manspreading virtually - but I hope this helps.
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