[Air-L] Call for Papers: Information & Culture

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Thu Feb 7 15:48:40 PST 2019


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*Information & Culture: A Journal of History
<https://infoculturejournal.org/>* is actively soliciting articles for
publication. The journal publishes high quality, peer reviewed articles on
the history of information.

The social and cultural context of information and information technology,
viewed from an historical perspective, is at the heart of the journal’s
interests. Typical papers might focus, for example, on the histories of
information institutions, agencies, domains, or businesses; the history of
information work and workers; the history of information in everyday life;
the history of information and communication practices; the history of
information artifacts (ranging from books to computers, information
infrastructures and networks); the history of the organization and
classification of information; the history of concepts and theories in the
information domain; and intellectual and theoretical approaches for writing
information history.

The intention is to juxtapose papers on a wide variety of topics related to
the history of information to stimulate connections between the research of
library historians, information science historians, historians of print
culture, historians of computing, historians of media and communication,
labor historians, gender historians, economic historians, business
historians, political and diplomatic historians, cultural studies scholars,
critical theorists, and science and technology scholars.

Instructions for contributors are available at

Interested authors should contact the editor:

Ciaran B. Trace
School of Information
University of Texas – Austin
Email: cbtrace at austin.utexas.edu

Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast

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