[Air-L] Breastfeeding, Celebrity and Instagram

Bayard, Chantal Chantal.Bayard at ucs.inrs.ca
Thu Feb 28 07:36:32 PST 2019

Dear researchers,

I'm a PhD student at Institut national de la recherche scientifique (Montréal). I just published this article (in French) entitled « Celebrity mothers: what reveals their self-representation on Instagram» (Les mères célèbres sur Instagram : ce que nous révèlent leurs mises en scène de l’allaitement) : https://journals.openedition.org/efg/4791?fbclid=IwAR2dTAHz2oUHkZKz7ZVk8R_Hn2ED6HHbWMwhhwG7OQvk24_aXmp4Fom7PhY 

In the coming months, I will continue my work on these themes. Your comments are more than welcome to improve my research.

Best regards, 

Chantal Bayard
PhD student, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)

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