[Air-L] Open access journals

Jill Walker Rettberg Jill.Walker.Rettberg at uib.no
Thu Feb 28 22:59:41 PST 2019

Is there a good list of open access journals in internet research and adjacent fields? Not only would I strongly prefer to publish in a fully open access journal, my funding now requires OA publication and the whole of Norway may require it within a couple of years. So many of the "good" journals are hybrid, so you can pay for OA for your paper, but the journal as a whole is still making a 37% profit for Elsevier. I have found many small OA journals, but they often seem to only publish an issue once a year, and/or the next several issues are devoted to specific special issues. Another issue is that smaller, scholar-run OA journals often aren't indexed by SCOPUS etc, which means the publications and citations don't automatically show up in library catalogues and various databases so the research may be less visible. 

Here are a few I have found - could anyone help add to the list?

==Well-established, fully OA journals==
Social Media + Society (https://journals.sagepub.com/home/sms)
First Monday (https://firstmonday.org)
Computational Culture (http://computationalculture.net)

==Smaller ones that seem good==
Media and Communication https://www.cogitatiopress.com/mediaandcommunication/index
Image & Narrative (http://www.imageandnarrative.be)

==Open access journals that encourage papers that do more than PDFs, e.g. using video, hypertext==
Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy (http://kairos.technorhetoric.net)
Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures (http://hyperrhiz.io)
VIEW: Journal of European Television History and Culture (http://viewjournal.eu)

And there are all the Open Humanities Press journals:

Jill Walker Rettberg 
Professor of Digital Culture
University of Bergen

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