[Air-L] [EXT] Re: Searching for Mentor: Twitter API//Data Collection

Bell, Valarie Valarie.Bell at unt.edu
Wed Feb 20 10:21:28 PST 2019

Hello: I did the very type of project as part of my dissertation 2 years ago & I also work with doctoral & master’s student in non-quantitative or analytics fields almost daily to teach them how to collect your own data. Please feel free to contact me for assistance.

Dr. Valarie J. Bell
Computational Social Scientist,
University of North Texas,
Digital Communication Analytics M.S. program

P.S. I’m a U of I (Urbana-Champaign) alum!

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From: Air-L <air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org> on behalf of Alette Schoon <a.schoon at ru.ac.za>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 12:16 PM
To: Heather Walker
Cc: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
Subject: [EXT] Re: [Air-L] Searching for Mentor: Twitter API//Data Collection

Dear Heather

Axel Bruns from QUT in Australia does a very hands-on course on how to
use T-CAT, a scraping tool using the live twitter api:
He combines the data with the Tableau visualisation tool, which
provides great tools to turn your hashtags in your database into lines
that rise and fall over time, rank your most prolific tweeters, etc.
There is an online course you can do where Axel presents social media
analytics - I'm not sure to what extent it overlaps with the T-CAT
I attended the Digital Media Research Methods workshop QUT's Digital
Media Research Methods Centre run every December - you should apply to
attend next year, it is really very good.


Alette Schoon (PhD)
School of Journalism and Media Studies
Rhodes University

Quoting Heather Walker <hgabel3 at uic.edu>:

> Hello Esteemed Internet Researchers,
> My name is Heather Walker and I am a PhD candidate at the University of
> Illinois at Chicago. For my dissertation project, I am taking a
> netnographic approach looking at Twitter and Instagram data. I applied for
> access to the Twitter API via their developer site, was approved, and now
> have an access key. I've been trying to learn Python by taking free online
> courses and watching a million youtube videos. However, I hit a snag every
> time and usually can't figure out how to fix it.
> I also have been using DiscoverText (incredible tool), but have already
> exceeded the data limit, making continued data collection there impossible.
> I am reaching out via this listserv to see if there are any lovely
> researchers with experience using the Twitter API to aggregate data who may
> be willing to mentor me? I am working on several manuscripts right now
> using Twitter data, so can offer co-authorship through the partnership. My
> interests and collected data thus far revolve around disability, rights,
> access, and civic participation, diabetes cultural groups, social movements
> using hashtags, and social movement hijacking.
> I am also hoping some of you might know about any potential United-States
> based workshops that provide hands-on training using big-data digital
> methods?
> Thank you for your consideration and shared resources.
> Cheers!
> Heather Walker
> --
> *Heather Walker (Gabel), MS*
> Disability Studies Ph.D. Candidate (ABD)
> College of Applied Health Sciences
> University of Illinois, Chicago
> hgabel3 at uic.edu : 503.755.7673
> 1919 W. Taylor Street, Chicago IL
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