[Air-L] Call for Papers: Digital Interactions in Social Spaces

Harrison, Teresa M tharrison at albany.edu
Tue Jun 25 12:54:51 PDT 2019

Digital Interactions in Social Spaces: Proxemics, Digital Media, and Human-Machine Communication
Special Issue, Electronic Journal of Communication (EJC)

Edited by  John A. McArthur,  Furman University

Fifty years ago, Edward T. Hall coined the term "proxemics" to describe the human use of space in physical and interpersonal environments. Now, in an age of dynamic and ever-present digital communication, the cultural implications of proxemics are changing. Social media sites offer online gathering spaces for group engagement. Sentient objects in the Internet of Things connect our physical environments with our digital archives. Computer interfaces interpret human spatial behaviors. And mobile devices track, alter, and orient us in the spaces we inhabit. As culture changes, so change the rules and norms of proxemics.

Over the last decade, investigations at the intersection of space and social, mobile, digital, and participatory media have yielded a growing conversation about human communication and the spaces we inhabit. This has reinvigorated our conceptions about the ways humans and machines interact in the spatial environment. This special issue will focus on intersections between proxemics and the rhetorical and communicative impacts of digital, social, mobile, and participatory technologies. All methodological frameworks and theoretical lenses grounded in communication studies are welcomed.

For more information, see:  http://www.cios.org/www/ejc/calls/socialspaces.html.

Submit manuscripts through EJC's online submission system at http://ejcojs.cios.org by July 15, 2019, for consideration. Please be sure to submit to the journal section entitled: Special Issue: Digital Interactions in Social Spaces: Proxemics, Digital Media, and Human-Machine Communication

Address any questions to the Issue Editor: John A. McArthur, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Communication Studies, Furman University
864.660.3585 | john.mcarthur at furman.edu<mailto:john.mcarthur at furman.edu> | @JAMcArthur

Submitted by:
Teresa M. Harrison
Professor, Department of Communication
Faculty Fellow, Center for Technology in Government
University at Albany, SUNY
Albany, NY 12222
V:  518-370-4412
F: 518-442-4883
tharrison at albany.edu<mailto:tharrison at albany.edu>; @tmaharrison

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