[Air-L] [CFP] “Studying Information Deviances: ‘Truth’ and ‘Conspiracy’ in the Digital Age”

Baptiste Kotras baptiste.kotras at u-pem.fr
Fri Jun 28 06:20:15 PDT 2019

Dear colleagues, 

Please find in the link below a call for papers for a special issue of RESET – Social Science Research on the Internet , entitled “Studying Information Deviances: ‘Truth’ and ‘Conspiracy’ in the Digital Age” , coordinated by Henri Boullier (IRIS/INSERM), Baptiste Kotras (LISIS/Paris-Est University) and Ignacio Siles (CICOM/University of Costa Rica). 


Paper proposals (maximum 500 words, excluding bibliography), in French or English, must be sent to the following addresses before 10 September 2019: 

RESET Journal reset at openedition.org 
Henri Boullier h.boullier at gmail.com 
Baptiste Kotras bkotras at gmail.com 
Ignacio Siles isiles at gmail.com 

Notifications of acceptance will be given no later than 30 September 2019. Successful authors must submit their papers by November 30, 2019. 

Link to the call for papers: https://journals.openedition.org/reset/1478 

Best regards, 
The issue coordinators 



Baptiste KOTRAS 
Chercheur postdoc au LISIS 
Postdoctoral researcher at LISIS 
IFRIS / Université Paris-Est 

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