[Air-L] Symposium: Approaches to multimodality in the media | 12 April 2019 | Queen Mary University of London

Wing Hei Adrian Yip w.yip at qmul.ac.uk
Thu Mar 14 05:02:16 PDT 2019

Dear all,

We are inviting you to the symposium ‘Reading beyond words: Multimodality in the media’ (AMiM2019). It will be held at Queen Mary University of London on 12 April 2019.

The main theme of the symposium is multimodality. In the contemporary mediatized world, meaning-making often requires attention to more than one mode. The goal of this symposium is to highlight the importance of a multimodal paradigm for investigating the media.

We are delighted to have five invited speakers at AMiM 2019:
•             Dr Tuomo Hiippala, University of Helsinki, Finland
•             Professor Carey Jewitt, University College London, United Kingdom
•             Dr Richard Misek, University of Kent, United Kingdom
•             Dr John Miers, Kingston University London, United Kingdom
•             Dr Sumin Zhao, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Please RSVP on our website (https://amim2019.wixsite.com/amim2019) by 5 April. The preliminary programme has been released and you can follow us on Twitter (@2019Amim) for the most updated news about the symposium.

Please circulate widely and encourage your colleagues and friends to participate! If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at lpc.qmul at gmail.com.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Best regards,

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