[Air-L] Online identity and the digital self video essay

Glatt,ZA (pgr) Z.A.Glatt at lse.ac.uk
Fri Mar 15 07:27:12 PDT 2019

Hello fellow AoIRists!

Good day from rainy London. I wanted to share with you a wonderful video essay 'Phantom You[Tube]: Fighting Our Digital Doubles' that was published yesterday by Grace Lee, a YouTuber who I interviewed for my PhD on aspiring and professional online video content creators. In it she reflects on the changing nature of identity and the self in an increasingly social media-saturated world.

I thought it was so cool, I'm sure some of you will enjoy it too 🌟

Hope you're all well,



Phantom You [Tube]: Fighting Our Digital Doubles - YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6C4KPHcSOA&lc=z23pth4opxeawfnm4acdp43acmzboskt3fh31n4lnkxw03c010c.1552656695569650>
With our online and offline lives becoming increasingly connected, to what extent do we create our own other? And to what effect? Since the 1990s, horror and sci-fi have considered how we might ...


Zoë Glatt


ESRC PhD Researcher in Media & Communications

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Managing Editor: Communication, Culture & Critique

YouTube channel<https://www.youtube.com/user/Zedstergal> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/ZoeGlatt> | LSE bio<http://www.lse.ac.uk/media-and-communications/people/phd-researchers/zoe-glatt>


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