[Air-L] instagramming space and place

wargojon wargojon at msu.edu
Fri Mar 15 07:30:15 PDT 2019

Hey All,

Last Spring I published an article in the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy that traced how one LGBTQ youth used Instragram and StoryMapJS to stream a sonic walk. In the methods section I detail how the participant used the affordances of the locative media (Instagram) and how I accounted for transitions in space/place in field work.

Here's a link to the article: https://www.academia.edu/36299299/_SoundingOutMySilence_Reading_a_LGBTQ_Youths_Sonic_Cartography_as_Multimodal_Counter_Storytelling



From: Air-L <air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org> on behalf of Lauren Milor [ss12lm] <ss12lm at leeds.ac.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 5:43:29 AM
To: martha coe; air-l at listserv.aoir.org
Subject: Re: [Air-L] instagramming space and place

Hi Martha (and all others!)

I'm also a doctoral researcher conducting fieldwork about Instagram. I'm looking at women who participate in producing, sharing and viewing #fitspo images  (meaning fitness inspiration, but looking broadly at any content related to fitness/health etc). I'm nearing the end of my fieldwork, and have used a mix of ethnography (training/going to the gym with the women, and asking them to show me how they take images for Instagram) and in-depth interviews, where I ask them to show me and talk me through their Instagram profile and feed.

I have a researcher account where I share (with consent!) the images the women have taken and provide little updates on how it's going for anyone interested (@LRMresearch https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.instagram.com_lrmresearch_&d=DwICAg&c=nE__W8dFE-shTxStwXtp0A&r=nd7r5n1cT9LMd3bAq4VAsQ&m=8uPGF3pylMTBYWRuHshSNSXF73zzhY2htFtkQDAtaog&s=RIYX2sy6NKJONK-aZf9QkaLMgO4RXXW8sE1HRdJ8VCY&e=).

As of yet I haven't published anything, but would love to get to know more about your research and anyone else who is working in this area!

I've found the work of Crystal Abidin, Jessica Ringrose, Katie Warfield and Katrin Tiidenberg particularly useful in terms of thinking about methodology/social media. Sarah Pink's work has also been very helpful in thinking about ethnography and images.

Best wishes


From: Air-L <air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org> on behalf of martha coe <mlc443 at nyu.edu>
Sent: 22 February 2019 06:26:19
To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
Subject: [Air-L] instagramming space and place

Hi all,
This looks like a wonderfully active, international community and I am new
here, so I am also jumping on the bandwagon with an introduction and
request for resources.

For my doctoral research, I am looking at the varied ways that
urban-focused instagrammer (sub)cultures narrate, inhabit and experience
space and place through their photographic practices/social media
activities (the research is qualitative, using in-depth interviews and
ethnography). I am also looking at ways that the concept "instagrammable"
has created new avenues and imperatives for city- and community-level
placemaking initiatives.

I would like to know of any recent articles/research dealing with similar
themes; I am especially keen to find out how others have approached
Instagram users' (or other platforms) practices qualitatively. I want to
make sure I'm not overlooking valuable scholarship that maybe hasn't come
across my radar yet, and also to get to know other scholars working in
similar methodological/thematic areas.

Any and all recommendations welcome!

*Martha Coe*
*PhD Candidate*
*Department of Sociology*
*New York University*
*martha.coe at nyu.edu <martha.coe at nyu.edu>*

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