[Air-L] Event posting

Catherine Baker C.Baker at lboro.ac.uk
Tue Mar 5 05:49:04 PST 2019


I am looking to post the following event at Loughborough University to Air-L members. All are welcome to attend. All the details are posted below. Please don't hesitate to contact me if there are any additional information needed.

All the best,

Catherine Baker


Online Civic Culture Centre (O3C) Seminar, March 15: Dr Carl Miller (Demos)


Loughborough University. Room WAV011 (Wavy Top Building)

Map (no. 72): https://www.lboro.ac.uk/media/wwwlboroacuk/content/cds/documents/A4%20digital%20campus%20map_disabled%20car%20parking_p1.pdf


“The Death of the Gods: The New Global Power Grab”

Carl’s new book The Death of the Gods: The New Global Power Grab (Penguin) describes his groundbreaking journey to track down and expose one of the most important things that shapes, guides and limits each of our lives: power.

The journey brought him face-to-face with face with a fake news merchant in Kosovo, cyber-pranksters in Berlin, hikikormori – ‘the departed’, in South Korea who only live online. Amongst the rolling hills of Berkshire, he met British Army information warriors and in Las Vegas the largest gathering of hackers in the world. He has gone on a cyber-crime raid with the police, peered into the mechanics of secret algorithms, built a bot to keep the peace on Twitter, lived in a political-technology commune (twice) and become involved in a struggle for control of an online assassination market.


Carl Miller is the co-founder and Research Director of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at Demos, the first UK think tank institute dedicated to studying the digital world, and is a Visiting Research Fellow at King’s College London. Carl writes widely about the pitfalls and promises of the digital age. His interests cover digital politics, cyber-crime, the changing nature of warfare, journalism, the rise of the hackers, the threat of hate speech, the grip of automation and how power is being reshaped. He has written for Wired, The New Scientist, The Telegraph, The Guardian, The Sunday Times, and for a number of websites and academic journals.

Carl’s website is  www.carlmiller.co and he tweets @carljackmiller.

O3C website: https://www.lboro.ac.uk/research/online-civic-culture-centre

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