[Air-L] CSCW 2019 Call for Papers (April 4)
lindsay blackwell
lblackw at umich.edu
Tue Mar 5 12:52:53 PST 2019
hello all!
below is the CFP for CSCW 2019. a reminder: CSCW papers are now published
in a journal, *Proceedings of the ACM. *
Lindsay Blackwell <http://www.lindsayblackwell.net/> [she/her]
PhD Candidate, School of Information
University of Michigan
*---------------------------------------------CSCW 2019 - Call for Papers*
*cscw.acm.org/2019 <http://cscw.acm.org/2019>*
The 2019 ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social
Computing (CSCW) will be held in Austin, Texas, USA from *November 9-13,
2019.* CSCW is an international and interdisciplinary research community
and conference seeking the best research on all topics relevant to
collaborative and social computing. To support diverse and high-quality
contributions, CSCW employs a two-phase review process and does not impose
an arbitrary length limit on submissions. Accepted papers will be published
in the journal*Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM).*
* March 28, 2019: Abstract & metadata due (5:00pm PDT)
* April 4, 2019: Paper submissions due (5:00pm PDT)
* June 3, 2019: First-round notification (Revise & Resubmit or Reject)
* June 27, 2019: Revised papers due (5:00pm PDT)
* July 30, 2019: Final notification
We invite authors to submit papers that inform the design or deployment of
collaborative or social systems; introduce novel systems, interaction
techniques, or algorithms; or study existing collaborative or social
practices. The scope of CSCW includes social computing and social media,
crowdsourcing, open collaboration, technologically-enabled or enhanced
work practices, CSCL, MOOCs, and related educational technologies,
multi-user input technologies, collaboration, awareness, information
sharing, and coordination. This scope spans socio-technical domains of
work, home, education, healthcare, the arts, socializing, and
entertainment. Papers can report on novel research results, systems, or new
ways of thinking about, studying, or supporting shared activities.
CSCW would particularly like to invite papers that make a contribution to
building CSCW systems including (but not limited to) technical enablers for
CSCW applications; methods and techniques for new CSCW services and
applications; and evaluation of fully-built CSCW systems in lab and field
Paper submissions must be made via the Precision Conference System
(https://new.precisionconference.com/submissions) by 5:00pm Pacific Daylight
Time (PDT) on April 4, 2019 (abstracts due the week before, March 28, 2019).
CSCW does not accept submissions that were published previously in formally
reviewed publications or that are currently submitted elsewhere. All papers
accepted for CSCW 2019 are expected to be presented at CSCW 2019 by at
least one of the authors. All accepted papers will be published in the
journal *Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM)*
and archived
in the ACM Digital Library.
The CSCW Student Reviewer Mentoring Program provides an opportunity for
students to participate in the CSCW review process while getting guidance
from senior reviewers. To apply to be a student reviewer, please complete
this Google Form <https://goo.gl/forms/0CXvxJ8AaMpftAd23> by *March 15,
2019. *To volunteer as a mentor, please email
studentmentoring2019 at cscw.acm.org by *March 28, 2019. *More information is
available at http://cscw.acm.org/2019/volunteer-mentors.html
The full call for papers is available at cscw.acm.org/2019.
*Send queries about Paper submissions to papers2019 at cscw.acm.org
<papers2019 at cscw.acm.org>. *
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