[Air-L] Call for submissions - special issue on wearable robotics

Charles M. Ess c.m.ess at media.uio.no
Wed Mar 13 09:02:10 PDT 2019

Dear AoIRists,

on behalf of my colleagues in the H2020 cost action on wearable 
robotics, I am very pleased to call your attention to the call for 
submissions for a special issue on "Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects 
of Wearable Robots," to be published in the De Gryter open access 
journal, Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics.

Broadly, the cost action group aims to develop a comprehensive 
understanding of the ethical, legal, and societal issues in Wearable 
Robotics, especially as related to the design, deployment and practical 
use of wearable robots. The special issue is part of their strategy for 
doing so: you can read the full call here -


Especially as Human-Machine Communication (HMC) is becoming increasingly 
significant, both in its own right and for more and more of us in AoIR, 
I thought this would be of interest to many of us.  Please also feel 
free to distribute to other networks through whatever channels that 
might be appropriate.

Many thanks,
- charles ess
Professor in Media Studies
Department of Media and Communication
University of Oslo

Postboks 1093
Blindern 0317
Oslo, Norway
c.m.ess at media.uio.no

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