[Air-L] Open access journals

Mittell, Jason S. jmittell at middlebury.edu
Fri Mar 1 06:48:22 PST 2019

Jill et. al.,

The best overall resource is the Directory of Open Access Journals: https://doaj.org/

I'll plug the journal I co-run, [in]Transition<http://mediacommons.org/intransition>, which publishes video essays rather than written articles.

I'd also take a moment to ask everyone to consider their own publishing and reviewing practices, and how they contribute to access & openness, rather than profiteering by private companies off of the free labor of academics. If you are in the position to do so, consider pledging not to publish in, edit, and/or review for commercially-owned journals.


Jason Mittell, Professor of Film & Media Culture and American Studies
Middlebury College
208 Axinn Center
Middlebury, Vermont 05753
(802) 443-3435 / fax: (802) 443-2805
Blog: http://go.middlebury.edu/justtv

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