[Air-L] 9th Annual Internet Communications Undergraduate Conference (please visit and leave a comment!)

Tama Leaver tamaleaver at gmail.com
Sat May 4 23:55:41 PDT 2019


Please see the invitation below - this is our ninth annual research
conference hosted by the undergraduate students in our Internet
Communication major. This year the theme is  Debating Communities and

Every year, we invite a wide range of people, including many scholars, to
offer feedback on the papers written by our students. If you've got a even
a few minutes to spare, we'd love if you could visit and possibly leave a
comment on any of the papers that take your interest!  Each time this runs,
our students are blown away by having comments from scholars from across
the world, often including the people whose work has been the foundation of
their conference papers.

Thanks in advance to anyone who has time to visit!



Dear colleagues,

 The staff and students of the Internet Studies program at Curtin
University and Curtin Mauritius, are pleased to announce the ninth Debating
Communities and Networks Conference running from 6 MAY to 24 MAY 2019 at:


Hosted and organised annually by students in the Internet Communications
degree program, the conference focuses on online networks, and the
relationships between individuals and the groups to which they belong. It
is designed for students, academics, and professionals working in the area
of internet and mass communication.

*This conference is fully online and attendance is free - you only need to
visit the website (link above) to participate. *

This year’s conference has student research papers across five discussion

   - Communities and Web 2.0
   - Social Networks
   - Identity in Communities and Networks
   - Communities and Online Gaming
   - Indigenous People, Virtual Communities and Online Social Networks

 Please read the attached invitation from the students.

*You can also:*

Find us on Facebook:

Follow us on Twitter: @CurtinDCN19

See us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/curtindcn19/


Find out about online communities and social networks, and join in the
debate. We hope to see you all online and welcome your participation in the
debates on these issues. The students have worked hard on the conference
and we would love your participation and feedback.


 Deepti Azariah



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