[Air-L] New articles on Automation and Facial Recognition

sally sally at sally.com
Tue May 7 13:46:45 PDT 2019

Hi Air-L,

I’ve been varying my writing a bit and have just had two pieces published in Fast Company on Automation and Facial Recognition. 
My goal has been to contribute to the ongoing “news” conversation from an anthropological perspective. 

They may be interesting and/or useful for you and/or your students:

S.A. Applin, April 21, 2019, Fast Company (Point of View)

What we sacrifice for automation
Lessons from an Amazon warehouse, and a world where increasingly anything (and anyone) that can be measured, is.


S,A, Applin,  May 7, 2019, Fast Company (Point of View)

The creeping threat of facial recognition
(Do those championing new surveillance technology not realize that they too will be affected by it?)




Sally Applin, Ph.D.
Research Fellow
HRAF Advanced Research Centres (EU), Canterbury
Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing (CSAC)
Research Associate
Human Relations Area Files (HRAF)
Yale University
Associate Editor, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine
Member, IoT Council
Executive Board Member: The Edward H. and Rosamond B. Spicer Foundation
I am based in Silicon Valley
sally at sally.com | 650.339.5236

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