[Air-L] Digital politics & advocacy ebook: 2019 edition now out

Colin Delany cpd at epolitics.com
Wed May 8 10:53:45 PDT 2019

Hi folks, the 2019 edition of "How to Use the Internet to Change the World - and Win Elections" is now out on Epolitics.com and up in the Amazon store for Kindle. If you picked up a copy of the PDF from me in the past, you should have received a link to download the new version overnight, so please let me know if you didn't.

If you're new to the publication, it's the most-comprehensive digital campaigning & online advocacy guidebook out there, written for campaigns, advocacy organizations and individual activists. It covers digital fundraising, social media, political data, grassroots mobilization & much more. More info: http://www.epolitics.com/winning/

I'll be posting excerpts from the book on Epolitics.com over the next few weeks, including the Big Trends chapter next week. The book's written specifically for people in political campaigns and NGOs, and it's also useful for individual activists, journalists and students. The book describes digital politics and advocacy as it's being done in the world at this moment. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to see a review copy, and please feel free to spread the word. Thanks!


"How to Use the Internet to Change the World and Win Elections: A Comprehensive Guide to Online Politics for Campaigns & Advocates" [Ebook]

Colin Delany
Epolitics.com -- digital strategy for politics and advocacy
cpd at epolitics.com

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